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I help business owners to increase “profits & purpose,” and decrease “stress & overwhelm.”

Over the last 10 years I have learnt and studied under some of the best digital marketers, sales trainers and copywriters in the world. 

I have coached and consulted for hundreds of business owners across varying business types that include retail, e-commerce, professional services and online information products.

Across industries such as fitness, fashion, coaching, events and b2b trade. 

Now, I want to expand my advice and support further afield...to you! 


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Tommy Gentleman

“Tommy G” is an award winning Entrepreneur, Consultant & Speaker from the UK. 

He uses the SANDOR business consulting model combined with his extensive Life Coaching experience and NLP Coaching to help his clients increase profits, have more fun and make more of an impact with their business. 

His clients consist of business owners across e-commerce, retail and professional services. They all own and run their own businesses and the majority have small teams of people working for them. 

Tommy is no stranger to the highs and lows of business himself. He’s been self employed his entire life. He established and owns a gym, runs events and coaches groups.

Tommy is the Author of an Amazon best selling book called “Back Yourself,” and he has also delivered a TEDx talk on “Legacy.”

He is the host of the popular podcast “Tommy G Talks” on iTunes & Spotify.

Tommy is a husband to Kelly and a Father to Lincoln (3) and Marci (1) 

He has been helping people to transform challenge into confidence since 2007, and now he can help you. 


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